Ota yhteyttä!


55,00  Sis. alv

Enjoy the tranquility in the lake scenery as the canoe slowly floats forward. Kayak from your own cabin shore or alternatively on the clear water, large Simojärvi 14 km from Metsä Kolo. In the Simojärvi-Soppana nature area, you can also stay overnight on Porosaari or on a lonely sandy beach.

Category: Tag:


From us you can get instructions, a canoe and other necessary items (e.g. tent, coffee pot, sleeping bags and pads) for loan. Transportation to Simojärvi is also possible for an additional fee. Winkkari 175 canoe, for 3 people, paddles and life jackets.

More information:
Metsäkolontie 5, 97760 Saariharju
Tel. +358 45 2309 309 045 2309 309