Please check the opening hours on the companies’ own websites.
Leipomo-Kahvila Kiireen Raja
• A cozy and smoke-free family cafe in the center of Ranua • Group meals, 72 customer seats • Catering service
Home-cooked lunch on weekdays 10.30 am - 3 pm Price 9,90 eur
lunch list >
Order tel. +358 16 355 2481 or
Lunch delivery (pre-order)
Orders by 5 pm the day before. Main dish €7 (take-away €6.50) and with a salad €9 (take-away 8 €). Delivery in the village centre between 11 am–12 pm included in the price.
options: ham, minced meat, kebab, chicken, smoked reindeer, pineapple, peach, plowed cheese, whitefish, garlic, onion, champignon, shrimp, paprika, tuna, feta, bacon, salami, mozzarella, egg, red onion, clam, olive, rucola, jalapeno, garlic mayo and mustard mayo.
All pizzas include tomato sauce and cheese.
1 filling 8,00 € 2 fillings 9,00 € 3 fillings 10,00 € 4 fillings 11,00 € 5 fillings 12.00 €
Also gluten-free
+ 1 €
From our bakery, you can get oven-fresh buns, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, bread rolls and more. Explore our selection on our website or on the spot.
open Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Pizza Mon – Fri 12.00 am – 5.00 pm
Keskustie 32, 97700 Ranua
Tel. +358 16 355 2481

Simojoen Lohiranta
LUNCH available every day from 11 am to 3 pm. The weekly list can be found in Lohiranta. Lunch options: Homemade salmon soup, warm bread, flat coffee €15 Homemade meatball, mash, salad, coffee €15 Reindeer soup, rieska, berry pie, coffee €16 A'LA CARTE MENU price from 49 eur List orders min. 6 persons Our restaurant serves with A rights From the cafe Buns and coffee, a little salty
More information:
The house also has a mini-kiosk with food, ice cream, and drinks
Ranuantie 219 B, 95255 Alaniemi
Tel. +358 400 691 351