Catcher can keep


Ranua is an oasis for fishermen. Whether your sport is fly-fishing, trolling or fishing with rod and line, there are plenty of options in Ranua area. When you are fishing, you can let the water take your stress away.

The most popular fishing spots are Lake Simojärvi and Simojoki River. In Lake Simojärvi, you can catch 13 different species of fish, such as pike-berch, common whitefish, vendace and trout. Simojoki River is a unique river area, as there lives naturally breeding salmon population.

Fishing with rod and line, as well as, ice-fishing are parts of everyman’s rights. Otherwise, all 18-64 year olds need to have the fisheries management fee and possible permits sorted.

Fees and permits can be bought at Metsähallitus webstore, from service number 020 69 2424, or from customer service points of Metsähallitus (Pilke in Rovaniemi). For Lake Simojärvi, a permit number 2587 is needed and for Simojoki River permits 2580 (Ranua area) 2581 (Simo area) are in use.

For fishing with nets or traps, a fisheries management fee and local permits are needed. For getting more information and buying the local permits, the contact info can be found at  “Luvat osakaskuntien vesialueille”


Vast areas of wilderness invite you to explore the forests of Ranua. Hunting has long traditions in Finland. It used to be one of the main ways to get food and furs. Nowadays hunting has become more of a hobby that encourages people to go out to the nature. Belonging to a hunting group also adds feeling of being part of community and it creates a network of like-minded people. Game is clean local food.

You need permit for hunting. With small-game permit you can hunt all the small game. With wildfowl and hare permit you can hunt all the other small-game except gamefowl. With permit to hunt small carnivores, you can hunt in addition to small carnivores, one Canadian beaver. For Ranua reindeer-herding area, also permits to hunt bears, wolves, lynx and moose can be applied. The permits need to be applied before the end of January. Current and updated information can be found on Finnish Wildlife Agency.

Permits for Ranua area can be bought from Metsähallitus webstore, service number 020 69 2424 or from customer service points of Metsähallitus (Pilke in Rovaniemi).